近年来,高新技术产业的快速发展给传统产业特别是农资产业带来了激烈的冲击。 社会形势瞬息万变,农资行业传统思维、模式、营销、产品、品牌等遭遇前所未有的挑战,以传统思维为核心的企业正在慢慢被社会淘汰。 用户需求的变化带动市场的变化,市场的变化倒逼农资企业做出改变,才能适应社会发展,在社会行业中占据一席之地。
当前农资行业形势不稳定,有人说2018年是农资行业的转型年。 社会产业形势的变化给我国农资企业带来了严重冲击,产业结构的变化给整个农资行业带来了巨大的挑战。 大部分农资企业陷入发展瓶颈,面临被淘汰的危险。
对于目前农资企业的发展现状,“结算赢销量”的实践者肖然表示,90%以上的农资企业都面临着九死一生的煎熬。 农资企业迫切需要在“九死一生”的逆境中寻找生存之道甚至独特的发展方法,立足行业基本面,制定相应的发展战略,实现产品和服务效益最大化。
当前,社会文明进程的发展,倒逼农业主要矛盾由提供大量产品向提供优质多元化产品转变。 农资市场逐渐从对产品数量的需求转向对产品质量的追求。 大宗单一产品已无法横扫农资市场。 产品为王的观念已经不再具有竞争力。 企业必须做出改变才能赢得市场。 必须在产品、营销、服务等方面进行深入改革。
政策的巨变倒逼农资行业生产方式转型。 从以前政策保障粮食安全,到现在市场提供用户需求,农资生产环境发生了变化。 农业消费市场需求上升趋势不可逆转,我国农产品需求总量正在逐步增加。 在工业化、城镇化和农业发展加快的背景下,农业资源约束加剧的趋势不可逆转,农业生产的资源保障条件越来越严峻。 通过对农资市场现状和市场用户需求的分析,有助于农资企业了解不同领域、不同市场的用户需求,有针对性地进行市场改革,提供相应的产品或服务,适应市场供求。 发展。
农资市场用户的巨大变化,引发了营销方式的迭代。 用户不再满足于简单的产品供应,各种需求也相应增加。 农资行业需要把握大势,探索新的发展模式,以巩固老用户、开拓新用户市场。 新用户的投资需求、融资需求、成本核算需求、现代服务需求、农产品品牌需求成倍增加,农业产业链发展必须围绕市场需求构建营销体系。 在传统的金字塔式营销组织中,顶层用来下订单,中层用来等待配送,底层用来管理。 他们之间的沟通并不相通。 未来营销组织的变革是分散化。 企业制定适当的管理规则,使组织更加高效。
现代高新技术的发展促使农业企业形成农业产业链,而互联网、区域区块、现代植保、养殖技术等技术的巨变倒逼农业产业链的重组。 随着新时代的到来,传统农业企业需要转型,未来农业产业链的发展也将应运而生。 农业产业链的发展包括全产业链的种植和营销。 它对不同土壤、不同地区、不同品种、不同营销方案进行深度挖掘和梳理,让产品更有价值,而不是只注重产量。
肖然先生,销售致胜的实践者,是一位拥有20多年营销实战经验的资深企业营销顾问。 自2005年起,大运摩托车的整个规划就致力于中国农村市场的研究。 先后服务或培训过的企业有:大运摩托车/大阳摩托车/TCL手机/金正大控释肥/斯坦利/金农汇/巨龙化工/广东富利龙/翔云股份有限公司/贵州西阳/巴斯夫/五州丰飞实业/乌尔泰冷鲜肥/智能青蛙植保机器人等,着有中国第一本农村营销专着《立足点营销——中国农村市场实用指南》升级——中国农资经销商的财富突破》等专着现任《农资与市场》第一届专家组首席营销顾问、《南方农村报》营销策略顾问。
自2006年服务金正大集团以来,已连续几年与金正大长期合作。 2006年至2009年,策划金正大品牌上市并启动营销模式。 2013年至2014年,协助贵州金正大抢占华南市场。 2016年,启航菏泽金正大歌诗达邮轮农资论坛。 2017年上半年,我们参与了金正大农化服务的转型,2017年下半年,我们携手辽宁金正大打破了这一局面。 摇钱树项目助力辽宁金正大再创新高。 3000家零售商邮轮嘉年华在天津港起航现为金正大集团营销顾问。
多年来,肖然老师不断研究企业营销实际,准确把握农资企业的发展机遇,为大多数农资企业在产品、品牌、服务等方面制定高效的营销方案,创造了一个又一个农资企业的市场营销方案。另一个是农资行业。 营销故事。
农资营销发展到今天,企业在营销上很难独立。 营销的基础是做好产品。 只有提高产品品质,得到大家的认可,任何品牌的建立都不是品牌或广告传播,而是产品使用的体验,是用户对产品体验达成的共识。 社会环境和农资行业不断变化,农资营销未来发展也必然发生变化。 企业营销只能让自己更好地应对农资行业的各种挑战。 多年来,肖然先生仍然专注于销售点赢得销售的研究和实战,形成了完整的产品定位、价格定位、品牌定位、营销模式和人员团队体系,使切入点的制胜销售点才能与时俱进。 在营销模式泛滥的时代,扎实做好农资企业营销品牌。
90%的农资企业面临濒临死亡的困境。 生产企业不向产业链转型、不融入产业链就会消亡; 渠道企业不转型为服务商,不融入服务链,就会消亡; 不更新观念的人会死,拒绝新技术的人会死,不参与社会协作的人会死,不适应快速营销的人会死,不善于借用资源的人会死死...
大部分农资企业过于急功近利,重业绩轻营销。 没有专业的营销团队,企业不够精细化,产品结构严重老化,跟不上时代的发展,导致企业的产品市场不成熟,难以开拓市场。 。 这类农资企业往往打着新型肥料的旗号,企图在短期内以高价格、高效益占领农资市场。 长期发展。 企业应根据农资行业情况,进行全方位、高角度的营销战略规划。 因此,寻求企业的营销发展战略就成为农资企业的首要任务。
肖然老师认为,当企业不可能取得全面胜利时,就应该退而求其次,将资源集中在多个潜在市场上,制定高效有力的营销方案,待市场模式运作成熟后逐步复制,滚滚而来。进入下一个市场,直至取得彻底胜利。 这就是肖然先生根据毛泽东主席的根据地战略提出的“占领赢得销售”的战略,一度在农资行业掀起了营销热潮。 销售点赢销售是企业全面开拓区域市场,挖掘区域销售潜力,实现销售最大化,派出营销团队对区域市场进行长期、深入、精细化经营的一种营销方式。 赢得销售的根据地策略是在有条件、有客户基础的地区启动市场。 这是一种符合中国国情的农村营销模式,也是一种经得起农村市场现实考验的营销模式。
行业的变化和客户需求的变化正在促使企业不断探索和改进。 从企业的市场运作模式到客户的市场管理模式,企业只有不断更新企业战略,才能适应不断变化的市场环境。 不能仅凭营销的短期效益来看待企业的长远发展。 企业的发展战略必须改变。 。 无论目前农资企业的营销形势如何,通过占领积分获得销量的策略都值得农资企业不断探索和研究。
一个传统品牌的传播和推广需要十年甚至二十年的时间,而现在品牌的推广时间大大缩短,品牌可能一夜崛起,也可能一夜灭亡。 随着时代的发展而演变。 农村市场品牌信息的不确定性和不对称性影响了农资企业的品牌发展。 在品牌创立初期,品牌缺乏活力,不断老化。
针对市场消费需求的变化,品牌传播渠道也发生了相应的变化,形成了品牌演化理论,在传播方式、品牌感知、品牌塑造路径等方面做出了一些改变。 传统的品牌方式已经不再具有竞争力,未来的品牌时代将是一个以内容为主导的时代,取代以前的渠道为王。 要改变品牌老化的现象,更重要的是品牌具有创新性,对消费者有足够强的吸引力。 同时需要有所有品牌的参与,参与新媒体的互动,打造有生命力的品牌。
现在品牌不断更新,传播速度也很快。 内容传播形式的变化对人们产生潜移默化的影响。 肖然老师认为,单纯以产品来划分品牌是没有意义的。 真正的品牌是消费者长期使用体验和产品本身价值的整体印象。 离开产品本身的品牌策划就是一句空话。 未来,品牌建设将随着市场的发展而演变,精准化、多元化也将随之发展。
在农资市场快速发展的时代,品牌的建立可以很快,但其毁灭却是不可控的。 只有提高品牌产品的产品力,做好产品定位,提升产品品牌的文化价值和使用价值,才能避免这种情况的发生。 在激烈的竞争中迅速死亡。 企业的激烈竞争促进产品升级。 为响应国家生态绿色产业发展的号召,肖然先生在为湖北祥云化工有限公司做产品品牌规划时提出了“健康肥料”的理念,掀起了一股热潮。在农资行业。 生态热潮带动农业企业研发安全健康的新型肥料。 顾名思义,祥云健康肥能够有效提高土壤活性,解决土壤问题,增强作物抗逆性,提高农产品品质。 在市场的考验下,祥云健康肥料已成为众多农产品消费者心中的高端肥料。
随着农资企业的发展,产品市场竞争逐渐加剧,很难生产出行业内独特的产品。 产品在外观、性能、研究技术等方面几乎没有与其他产品不同的优势,同质化十分严重。 优秀的产品也可能因为同质化等因素而面临消亡的威胁,但优质的产品最终会占据一定的市场。 产品技术固然重要,但在肖然先生看来,产品本身并不能代表产品的全部实力。 一款产品如果没有很好的策划和包装,就很难在当前竞争激烈的市场中占据一席之地。
在产品同质化日益严重的环境下,农资企业应寻求解决方案,实现产品的差异化生产。 当五州乌尔泰冷鲜肥请肖然先生做整体品牌咨询时,根据乌尔泰产品的生产工艺特点,肖然先生提出了“冷鲜肥”的定位。 冷鲜肥与传统肥料的生产工艺有很大区别。 肥料生产全过程控制在60度以下,保证添加的有益菌在生产过程中最大程度不被破坏,也保证高温环境下各种有机质不流失。 功效,达到降解、修复、营养三位一体。 独特的冷鲜肥产品技术,实现施肥与修复一体化。 一经推出,就在华南市场掀起了冷鲜肥风暴,产品供不应求。
在当今的农资行业,如果按照产品为王的传统思维方式来打造企业的核心竞争力,将不利于企业的发展,企业势必走不远。行业。 现在已经不再是没有营销、没有促销、没有服务的产品还能被老百姓推崇的时代了。 农资化肥农药企业在销售产品的同时,也向农民销售技术和服务。 面对多元化的市场环境,肖然老师提出去产品化,并建议农资企业应该更加关注产品本身。 相反,他们应该更加注重产品的技术,细化种植技术,让产品在参差不齐的市场中更受欢迎。 脱颖而出。
在农资行业中,企业之间的比较除了产品本身质量的比较外,就是产品的价格和生产能力。 产品产能过剩,造成市场竞争激烈,企业相互打价格战,导致市场价格低迷。 在多年的营销发展史上,所有的营销悲剧都是由低价造成的,农资行业也不例外。 那些热衷于大打低价战,试图以低价赢得市场的企业,无论是日用品还是生活配件,最终都很难在市场上拥有独特的地位。
对于任何企业和产品来说,没有价格利润就没有未来,但在产品定价方面,要把握好高价与低价的区别。 肖然老师认为,定价方面需要明白三点:第一,产品如何支撑定位价格? 其次,需要考虑渠道服务、营销人员服务、技术人员晋升的成本; 第三,企业要有合理的利润。 因此,在产品定价上必须有一个长远的规划。 当你的产品价值不足以支撑它的价格时,高价就是个笑话; 也不能无原则地压低价格,忽视产品的未来市场,否则可能会导致杀千失八的结果。 沃尔玛号称产品价格最低,但沃尔玛依靠的是全球供应链的批量采购,依靠的是成本优势而不是低价优势。 事实上,沃尔玛并不是所有的产品都便宜,但生活必需品和特价商品的价格相对实惠。
信用债务一直是农资销售行业非常突出的问题。 许多经销商和零售商都受到信用债务的困扰。 到了年底,他们未能收回所有账款,甚至出现坏账、呆账。 尤其是江西、湖南、湖北等地,信贷比例非常高,达到70%以上。 商家靠信用来吸引顾客、留住市场。 农民欠信用是因为他们不知道产品的效果,也是因为他们实在没有钱。 长期以来,信用似乎已经成为农资行业的传统。
然而,更多时候,信贷不再只是商人和农民之间的烦恼。 厂家无现金不发货,零售商无信用不发货,经销商夹在中间,问题很难解决。 传统的制造商-经销商-零售点-农户的垂直营销渠道过于单一,这将使企业的商业模式逐渐僵化。 渠道不是人们日常所理解的经销商、零售商,包括企业、经销商、零售商和农户。 在肖然先生看来,企业是渠道最重要的推动力; 经销商是渠道最重要的传播者; 零售商是渠道传动轴上的漏斗,负责向普通老百姓销售产品; 就像口袋一样,从“漏斗”买回产品和服务。
要改变信用现状,首先要提高农资销售门槛,逐步提高服务水平和品牌知名度,让零售商和消费者转变观念。 其次,重建渠道,实现渠道多元化,改变经销商靠产品差价赚取利润的思维,让经销商成为集农业成功于一体的综合服务商。 当前,农产品市场正逐步从产品需求向产品服务需求转变。 企业亟待转型升级。 农资企业全产业链社会化服务的发展已成为市场需求的主流。
金正大根据当前农业发展形势,建立了现代农业服务平台“金丰公社”,覆盖农业全产业链发展农化服务,为推动社会农业现代化服务发展做出贡献。 作为现代农业服务平台,金丰公社整合自身优势和全球优质资源,为中国农民提供全方位农业服务,解决土壤、作物营养、品牌建设、产销等问题。 是国内“一体化”综合农业建设服务平台的首次尝试,为经销商伙伴转型为农业综合服务商提供全方位支持。
农资行业的发展已经到了分水岭,但农资营销在行业中仍然发挥着很大的作用。 营销的核心是产品和服务能否满足消费者的需求,不仅仅是广告、公关、促销,而是产品和服务销售全过程的策划和执行。 所有的营销方式都只是产品到达消费者的渠道。 在消费者眼中,最重要的是产品本身。 产品促销方式多元化,通过人员推销、广告、业务促销等促销方式传递公司市场信息,引导消费者对产品的消费需求,进一步稳定和扩大公司产品销量。
促销不能代替企业营销,但产品、价格、渠道、促销是营销不可或缺的四个节点。 企业品牌和营销离不开产品。 产品和品牌融为一体。 产品带给消费者功能价值体验,品牌则带给消费者对产品的整体感受。 未来企业品牌建设离不开产品。 品牌是产品生产力的体现,包括产品定位、产品包装和使用价值。
品牌建设离不开产品定位和目标消费群体。 通过在产品中注入品牌故事和品牌传奇来包装产品,以产品的文化价值和使用价值作为产品品牌规划的根本依据。 祥云股份“健康肥料”根据市场定位打造新型肥料,整合产品使用价值,实现施肥与修复一体化,成为农资高端肥料品牌。 品牌建设是企业在严峻的社会形势下提高竞争力的手段。 如果企业做促销没有品牌,销量就不会持久,企业的影响力也会下降。
目前,我国农资行业还处于比较传统的营销状态,90%以上的企业目前的营销方式都是单兵经营。 单兵作战存在很多弊端,如没有团队协助、相互监督、缺乏集体荣誉感、归属感弱等,不利于企业营销。 农资企业的营销看似匆忙,但效果并不明显。 企业的营销大多忽视了产品的本质,强调渠道而非服务。 许多企业面临市场变化,产品竞争力下降。
肖然先生提出的“以点赢销”策略中,强调团队合作,每个远点市场都配备一名经销商,负责开发、开展二次业务推广、组织推广农化服务。和农民促销。 整合沟通的营销团队,同时注重经销商发展管理和活动组织的推动。 “入口赢销量”的核心思想就是以团队作战代替单兵作战。 根据农村市场环境分散、广阔的特点,从局部胜利走向全面胜利。
金正大集团的多品牌团队运作模式是中国农资企业比较成功的模式。 其核心是在重点县建立销售致胜工作站,由销售经理带领业务团队统一运营集团所有品牌。 团队考核不仅仅是销售考核,更多的是负责根据当地农作物特点制定解决方案、建设专业示范田、日常技术支持等,在强调销售的同时更加注重农业技术服务。 这种营销策略保证了区域市场开发的深度,同时保证了大客户的市场经营能力,并以公司的市场运作能力带动客户的市场经营能力,从而使农资企业和农资经销商可以实现双赢。
点餐送礼的营销模式已经不足以支撑产品多元化的农资行业市场。 经销商和农资企业的现状令人担忧。 大部分农资企业的销售还停留在传统垂直渠道销售时代,与精细化营销、数据库营销和快速消费品营销相去甚远。 另一方面,当前农资企业尚未实现精细化营销,仍处于大市场、大经营、大流通阶层。 很多企业甚至不支持精细化营销。 销售市场只能靠销售成绩支撑。
俱乐部营销在农资企业营销中占有较高比例,与日益成熟的营销模式背道而驰。 农资营销发展起来,很难让企业感到新鲜,但农资营销是产品和服务,让消费者的需求得到满足。 When an enterprise encounters difficulties in marketing, it must first think from the enterprise itself, consider whether the product effect of the enterprise lags behind the needs of users, or the game rules formulated by the enterprise are not suitable for the development of the market, and fundamentally find a solution. In the final analysis, it is the company's all-round marketing strategy that drives the company's product sales, rather than the company's unstable sales situation.
9. Brain drain: Difficult to recruit, employ, and retain. Brain drain makes team building even more difficult.
Every enterprise has certain talent management problems. All enterprises lament that "recruiting is difficult, employing is even more difficult, and retaining is even more difficult." The relationship between enterprises and employees is closely related. Yu Minhong lamented that New Oriental's "performance-only theory" almost killed New Oriental, the "fat east crisis" of Henan's legendary enterprise, and the "back kitchen door" incident of Haidilao all showed the delicate relationship between enterprises and employees. In Teacher Xiao Ran's view, the relationship between the company and its employees is not a father-son relationship, nor a husband and wife, but a game relationship. The game between the enterprise and the employees is related to the development of the enterprise and the growth of the employees. A good enterprise and good employees can cooperate with each other to make the enterprise develop better. Many facts show that the employment system of an enterprise affects the work attitude and enthusiasm of employees. The relationship between enterprises and employees must abide by fair social rules of the game in order to maintain a good balance and development.
When employing people, enterprises are more willing to give honor and platform to those who can bring long-term benefits and long-term development to the company. Talents are the foundation of business operations. Without talents, no matter how good the management model is, there is no way to bring good benefits to the company. Only when talents meet a good company can they create higher value for the company. It is right for enterprises to attach importance to performance, but enterprises cannot only pay attention to the short-term work benefits of employees. The "performance-only theory" of New Oriental will only make enterprises and employees fall into another predicament.
The most important resource in the future society is human resources, and the loss of talents is a problem that enterprises often face. How should agricultural materials enterprises retain talents and build a marketing team capable of recruiting and fighting well? In Teacher Xiao Ran's view, fair corporate management rules are the foundation of business operations. In the "game" between the company and its employees, based on fairness, the company sets reasonable game rules and is committed to cultivating a talent team with strong execution capabilities; while the employees rely on their own ability and luck, and work hard to meet their needs. Survive in the enterprise and create personal value for the enterprise. If the enterprise does not set rules, assessment, encouragement, and training for employees according to the rules, it will be difficult for employees to grow according to the enterprise's plan, and they will not be able to create useful value according to the enterprise's plan. What Mr. Xiao Ran said, "A good company does not 'kill employees', and employees will 'kill' the company" is very insightful.
As an enterprise, the most basic requirement is to make good products. At the same time, it needs to make great efforts in corporate culture construction and team management. The business model of the enterprise needs to be changed in time to ensure the interests of employees while ensuring the performance of the enterprise. As an employee, you need to maintain enthusiasm and loyalty to the company at all times, speed up the pace of learning and progress, and develop together with the company. Enterprises provide employees with a development platform, and employees actively seek development for the enterprise. Only when employees and enterprises cooperate, trust, promote and supervise each other can they achieve a win-win situation and go further.
10. Innovative learners: Only innovative learning can have a future! Learning in the war, the three forces of innovation, learning, and execution can be combined with the right time, place, and people, and you can achieve dominance!
At present, the situation of agricultural materials enterprises is not optimistic. In addition to facing the "nine deaths" in the development of the industry, the uncertainty of the social environment also has a certain impact on it. The uncertainty of national environmental protection has had a huge impact on the upstream enterprises of agricultural materials, especially the pesticide and fertilizer industries, and also affected the entire downstream product system. The impact of the uncertainty of agricultural product prices on the industry cannot be ignored, which may cause unsalable or short supply of agricultural products, and hinder the upward and downward sales of agricultural products. The development of global trade has made my country's agricultural materials enterprises deeply affected by the international environment. The uncertainty of international bulk commodities has made agricultural materials enterprises face huge challenges. China's agricultural materials companies are facing huge challenges in 2018. The diversity and uncertainty brought about by the social environment make it urgent for agricultural materials companies to undergo transformation. Only by learning from challenges and integrating innovation, learning and execution can agricultural enterprises achieve success in the turbulent industry situation.
Agricultural material enterprises must learn to innovate, facing serious product homogeneity, innovate new fertilizers, such as "cold fresh fertilizer" proposed by Mr. Xiao Ran, seek product differentiation, and cause an upsurge in the similar agricultural material market; agricultural material enterprises We must learn in the process of development, learn the innovative methods and corporate marketing plans of agricultural materials enterprises, and make reasonable corporate marketing plans with the help of successful cases combined with our own conditions; the corporate team needs strong executive power, "spot win sales" to transform the traditional The single-soldier combat mode is team combat. A strong team execution ability can successfully complete the company's marketing plan and bring good benefits to the company. Kingenta Group has made a successful demonstration in the "spot win sales". The success of marketing depends on the company's products, prices, channels, promotions and many other marketing conditions, but the strong learning ability and execution ability of the marketing team are equally important.
In view of the current marketing status of my country's agricultural material industry, Mr. Xiao Ran believes that the first half of relying on marketing dividends has passed, and the agricultural material industry has entered the second half of the "intensive farming" competition. In the future, the marketing model of agricultural materials enterprises will be refined, and the product, brand, and marketing will be upgraded in response to the unreasonable product structure and insufficient brand awareness of the enterprise. Faced with the "nine deaths" dilemma of lack of strategy, brand aging, product homogeneity, ultra-low prices, channel credit, weak promotion, obsolete models, flooding sales, and brain drain, agricultural material enterprises should forge ahead bravely and do a good job. Corporate marketing planning stimulates corporate innovation, learning, and execution capabilities, and conducts targeted upgrades to companies to promote them to become comprehensive agricultural service providers and achieve dominance in the fierce market competition.
Agricultural enterprises are living to death in the situation of "nine deaths and one life"
In 2018, the agricultural material industry is changing, social concepts are changing, policy orientation is changing, user structure is changing, channel system is changing, product demand is changing, and a new era of marketing is about to emerge. With the advent of great changes, 90% of practitioners are either unaware of sticking to the rules, or fly around in a daze, or feel threatened and helpless. Those who don't realize it are already dead without knowing it, neither responding to policies, nor researching users, nor adjusting products, nor reconstructing channels, nor updating methods. Those who don't know what to do, in the face of great changes, know the reasons, but they deceive themselves and others. Take advantage of policy loopholes, make product articles, speculate on channels, and play tricks on users. Those who feel the crisis, in the face of great changes, distorted actions and do not know the key points, blindly pursue new products, leverage blindly in marketing, and blindly innovate in management. It seems that everything is new. The agricultural materials industry is in a near-death situation.
The drastic changes in the industry have forced agricultural materials enterprises to integrate social resources for transformation. In the future, agriculture should be like Internet organizations, changing the traditional pyramid industrial chain structure, reorganizing and subdividing platform providers, manufacturers, investment and financing providers, technical support providers, channel service providers, etc. , to meet the new era of agricultural division of labor. With the advent of the channel revolution, the three-tier system of wholesale and retail has evolved into a complex channel structure with multiple cross-channels and cross-border complementarity. Agricultural materials enterprises are gradually establishing and improving the agricultural industrial chain system. Every link in the industrial chain has channels, and each terminal can organize channels, and non-agricultural organizations can also rob channels across borders.
Traditional marketing has been unable to cope with multiple shocks in technology, media, policy, and demand, and multi-faceted marketing has emerged. Modern agricultural marketing must be good at using new marketing methods such as technology marketing, service marketing, investment marketing, and new media marketing. In the past, agricultural materials and agricultural structure were production-oriented, core brands were produced in the production field, and agricultural materials brands and channel distribution brands were the kings. With the arrival of the brand revolution, the brand has evolved into a technology-driven brand that is king, service brand is king, and agricultural product brand is king. According to the situation of the agricultural materials industry, Mr. Xiao Ran put forward a strategy to win sales based on the strategic position of the base, and has achieved good results in the marketing of many enterprises. In the future development plan, agricultural material enterprises should make a strong plan for the current development of the agricultural material industry, survive the situation of "nine deaths and a lifetime", and achieve dominance in the agricultural material industry.
Xiao Ran, a practitioner of win-win sales, has been committed to the research of China's rural market since the whole planning of Dayun Motorcycle in 2005. He has successively served Dayun Motorcycle/Dayang Motorcycle/TCL Mobile Phone/Kim Zhengda Controlled Release Fertilizer/Stanley/ Jinnonghui/Longdeng Chemical Lilong Fertilizer/Xiangyun Co., Ltd./BASF/Wuzhou Fengfei Industry/Uertai Cold Fresh Fertilizer/Xinhua Net Plant Protection Drone, etc., author of China's first rural marketing monograph "Jidian Marketing —Guidelines for Practical Combat in China's Rural Market", "Upgrade--The Wealth Breakthrough of China's Agricultural Materials Dealers" and other monographs. Chief marketing consultant of the first expert group of "Agricultural Resources and Market". Since serving Kingenta Group in 2006, it has been a long-term cooperation with Kingenta for several times in a row for 10 years.Currently working as a sales consultant for Kingenta Group