苹果生产了业内最好的智能手机摄像头,如果你有一部iPhone,你的智能手机很可能会成为你的主摄像头。大多数iPhones都有两个后置摄像头;如果你有一个iPhone Pro型号,你会有三个。主摄像头是广角镜头,副摄像头是超宽。在Pro机型上,第三个摄像头是一个长焦镜头,光学变焦高达5倍。
The iPhone’s camera app has a simple interface that makes it easy to switch between cameras, modes, and filters, with more advanced controls available by simply swiping up on the screen. This makes it possible to get a great-looking shot with just a few taps. However, the iPhone camera may not always work as expected. Sometimes, you might find that your camera isn’t focusing on the subject, and other times, the image might look blurry.